Less serious, more curious.

What if we could be just a little less Serious about the circumstances of our daily lives and a bit more Curious about other possibilities? 

Oh this precious life of ours, we take it all so so very Seriously, don’t we? 

We spend so much of our lives consumed by events and people that in the overall story of our lives that just really don’t matter.

We give so much importance to: 

What we say and how it is perceived by others.

What we wear and what our bodies look like. 

What happened in the past & how others wronged us.

What others think of us- our boss, our neighbors, people we barely know or may only encounter once- we care about others opinions so much. 

And this is all very Serious business to us, We fill our lives with these “very important” matters- obsessing over past interactions and fretting about future ones. 

But what if you could loosen your grip a bit? What if you could let go and lighten up a little? 

What if you could be more Curious than Serious? 

When you choose Curious over Serious you will begin to see possibilities and opportunities that you didn’t see before when you were only worried about yourself and how you will be perceived. 

How do you shift towards Curiosity? 

Pause. Examine. Question. 

Curiosity sounds like: 

What if it doesn’t matter what I wear or look like? 

What if that person’s opinion of me doesn’t have to affect me? 

What if their behavior doesn’t have to bother me? 

What if this all works out? 

What if I could choose peace instead of this conflict?
What if I could walk away from this thing that doesn’t serve me? 

What if I could choose Joy?

And what if this all won’t matter a year- a month- a day from now? 

What if we could take it all just a bit less Seriously? 

And yes there is so much in this world to be concerned about. So much of of it seems to be out of our control. However, you can control how Seriously you take the small events of your life. 

You can choose your reactions. You can choose your interpretations & explanations. 

You get to choose how Serious it all is to you. 

And you can choose to be Curious instead. 

This is big work. Work that requires self awareness. So be kind & gentle with yourself. Just try more and more to choose Curious over Serious. 


No risk is still a risk.


Know when to Go