Heal the people, Heal the planet

When I recently announced I was leaving my job in Corporate Sustainability , I was met with overwhelmingly positive reactions from my colleagues and soon-to-be former coworkers. However, one person’s comment gave me pause - upon hearing I was leaving they said to me “ I thought you cared about Sustainability , I thought this was your passion?” Well of course I care about Sustainability, I replied- to which they said “well if you really did care you wouldn’t be leaving your job.”

Me: “I am leaving because I care.”

I believe we must “Heal the People to Heal the Planet”.

I care. I care so deeply about the huge challenges that our world faces. So much so that decided to leave my role in corporate sustainability to focus on the piece of the puzzle where I feel I can truly make a difference- the people side of Sustainability.

We give a lot of lip service to Social Sustainability. Corporate marketing campaigns are filled with slogans like “Our people are our greatest asset.” The C-suite waxes poetic about how it is their people that truly sets them apart. The old 3 legged stool analogy of sustainability is marched out again and again: Environment, Economic, and Social or People, Profit, Planet. Whatever you call it, that stool has become very wobbly.

I created this company to shore up that “people” leg of the stool. To help to usher in a new world of work- a more conscious capitalism. One where organizations learn the benefits of truly putting people first by creating thriving cultures of trust, psychological safety, well-being and resilience. Because these are the vital skills that will enable us to move forward together. In order to tackle our collective challenges we must harness the power of self-awareness, both as individuals and in organizations.  

We must “Heal the People to Heal the Planet.”

Our world faces the huge challenge of a planet in crisis. And we need the very best of us to tackle this issue and other complex problems. We need to put aside egos, to feel safe to speak up and to have the resilience to remain positive and hopeful in the face of seemingly overwhelming circumstances.

I care about Sustainability. I care about the potential of the collective Human consciousness. I care about helping organizations tackle unprecedented levels of stress, burnout and disengagement.

I care about creating workplaces where we can all thrive.

So yes, my focus has shifted but my heart remains resolute.

People and Planet. And Profit too.

It all matters.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.


Know when to Go


Love it, leave it or create it