The STAR Method
In my role as a workplace strategist, I often utilize a powerful personal development tool I call the STAR method. STAR stands for Self-Awareness, Tolerance, Attention and Resilience. It is a method I created to help individuals, managers and teams create greater productivity and possibility in their roles.
All lasting change and positive growth begin with Self- Awareness. I utilize two impactful personality assessments- Gallup StrengthsFinder and the Narrative Enneagram practice. Through these compatible modalities, clients learn about their unique talents, strengths and growth edges. As we gain awareness of our patterns, habits and motivations, we grow our emotional intelligence and become better partners and team members.
Tolerance of others naturally flows from increased Self Awareness - once we truly understand the how and why of our unique personality, we can turn that knowledge outwards and begin to understand each other and practice tolerance of our differences. Tolerance is indeed the first step towards true understanding. With the awareness that we all see the world through our own unique lens, we can begin to work together with better communication and collaboration.
Next we learn the practice of Attention. What we give our attention to creates our lives. However, in our highly distracted world it can be challenging to practice this powerful skill. I provide my clients with the tools to move from living in a state of constant reactivity to one of deep focus on what truly matters to them. We learn how to practice mindfulness to help reach our goals and I provide a unique “user’s manual” for the brain that explains our innate negativity bias and how to overcome subconscious habits and beliefs.
The last step in my STAR method is Resilience. which is the superpower we all must access to maintain our mental, emotional and physical health and reach our goals. The HeartMath® Institute defines Resilience as: “the ability to prepare for, recover from and adapt in the face of stress, adversity and challenge.” In this step, we learn how to access the power of heart-brain coherence to create and access our personal resilience reserves. Resilience is the fuel that sparks greater Self-Awareness, Tolerance and allows us to practice the art of Attention. Resilience is truly the foundation of all real and lasting positive change.
Holly Holton Workplace Resilience supports organizations through integrated coaching in the creation of thriving cultures that generate greater productivity, profitability and possibility.
When your people grow, your business grows too.